If you are looking for wedding reception invitations, you most likely find yourself in a situation where you want to find a way to invite some or all of your wedding guests solely to your wedding reception.
If this isn’t the case, then you should look into Wedding Invitations and follow the information found there.
Because on this page, we’re going to be talking about the invitations that you would send out to your wedding guest list when you ONLY want to invite them to your reception, not the ceremony.
Topics that will be covered here include reasons why a couple would want to invite guests only to the reception, the wording to use, and where you can find these special invitations to order.
One thing to remember…whether you purchase invitations or create your own, they should reflect the style of your wedding.
Indeed the entire wedding invitation business can be very confusing, (not that you need any more stress in your life!) but let me try to put it in perspective for you:
a wedding reception invitation is a friendly summons inviting someone, who is your friend or family, to share your special wedding day with you.
I will also go through all the issues you might come across pertaining to your wedding reception invitations such as design ideas, inserts, and listings to include.
You are going to have a ton of questions. I’ve tried to cover as many topics as I can think of for wedding reception invitations.
If there is something not covered, please use the Contact Us link to ask.

Reasons for sending out wedding reception invitations…
Basically, you want to just invite some of all of your wedding guests to a wedding reception.
There could be a few different situations that you find yourself in that you have to send these out to your guests.
One reason could be the fact that your wedding ceremony venue is too small to accomodate all your guests.
Perhaps, you have chosen a very old, unique church for your ceremony that can only hold 50 of your very closest family and friends and the rest will just have to celebrate with you at the reception.
It could also be that you and your fiancé are extremely shy and would like to keep your vows private but still enjoy the company of family and friends in the celebration afterward.
You might even be planning to elope, go away somewhere and get married and then just invite everyone to a reception later on to celebrate.
You could be needing wedding reception invitations because you’ve had a beautiful destination wedding and now would like those who couldn’t join you away, to have some fun with the now happily married couple.
In any event, these would all be perfect circumstances with which to use wedding reception invitations.

Wording for Wedding Reception Invitations…
The wording for these kinds of invitations must be different from regular wedding invitation wording, since you must make it clear to your guests that either the wedding has already taken place or that they are NOT invited to show up to the ceremony, ONLY the reception.
It would be embarassing for both you and your guests should the message not be clear.
Here are some great examples of wording…
Mr. and Mrs. (bride’s parents)
together with
Mr. and Mrs. (groom’s parents)
Request the pleasure of your company
at a wedding reception for their daughter
(bride’s name)
and son
(groom’s name)
on (date), (time)
(reception location)
(city, state/province)
The pleasure of your company
is requested at the
wedding reception of
bride’s name
groom’s name
(day, date)
(reception venue name)
(reception location)
(RSVP by)
or if you want to go a little less formal…
(groom’s name) and (bride’s name)
will be happily married
on (date),
(city, state/province)
Please join them at their wedding reception
on (date), (time)
(reception venue name)
(reception location)
Bride’s name
Groom’s name
Pledged their forever love to one another
(date and location of marriage)
Please Join
(parent’s hosting the reception)
as the celebrate their marriage
on (day, date, time)
(venue location)
…or you could even go this way for an elopement or destination/casual wedding…
(bride’s name) and (groom’s name) got hitched!
They were married (location of marriage)
at (city), on (date)
Please celebrate with us
at a reception (time), (date)
(reception venue), (reception location)
Bride’s name and Groom’s name
were married (date)
Please join (parent’s hosting the reception)
for a celebration of their marriage
(day, date, time)
(venue name)
(reception location)
…you can also go to Wording for Reception Invitations.
…or if you are looking for a more casual way to invite your guests to a reception after a wedding go to Casual Post Wedding Reception Wording